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Tips for noun gender fluency & French Immersion success.

Understanding Masculine and Feminine in French - French Noun Gender Rules

Access the complete list of masculine noun gender rules to learn everything you need to know about French masculine words.

Feminine French words & Noun Gender Rules

Access the complete list of feminine noun gender rules to learn everything you need to know about feminine words in French.

au, à la, & aux - Masculine and feminine French words.

Discover how to flow through your French sentences without messing up on masculine and feminine grammar words like au, à la, and aux. Worksheets included.

How to form sentences around French nouns.

The 3-Step Process to forming flexible sentences and getting better at conversation. Worksheets included.

Discover 3 common masculine French words to grow your vocabulary.

And find out how to use these French words in sentences right away so that you never forget their meanings. Worksheets included.

How to make agreements with feminine nouns and adjectives in French

Uncover the rules for when and how to make masculine & feminine “accords” between nouns and adjectives in French. Worksheets included.

Feminine French words that end with -ie.

Discover what makes a French word masculine or feminine and learn tons of useful words that end with -ie. Worksheets included.

Feminine French words that end in -ance.

Are you looking for an easy way to learn beginner French vocabulary? Start with words that are the same in English and French. Worksheets included.

All about feminine French words that end in -eur.

Grow your vocabulary and discover masculine & feminine differences between French words that end with -eur.  Worksheets included.

Hypnotize Yourself into Fluency in 3 Simple Steps.

How to apply autosuggestion techniques to speak better French. Worksheets included.

4 Powerful Tips on How to Learn French as Your Second Language.

How the energies of number 4 help you to learn French as your second language while living in a non-French environment. 

How to Speak Better French

Learn how to become well-rounded with frequently used French words so that you stop translating word for word and speak better French. Worksheets included.

Intermediate French Books: Les Quatre Accords Toltèques

The French translation of The 4 Agreements is a great reading option for intermediate French learners. Get a brief summary and quotes from the book.

French Pronouns - The secret to having a conversation in French

Discover 3 sentence formulas to get you comfortable using French words like: en, y, lui, leur, le, la, les, se. Worksheets included.

What's your French Learner Archetype?

Identify your French Learner Archetype so that you can choose the path you should follow to have a basic French conversation.